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To fundraise for Alwyn school, including for a new library, we are running a Silver Coin Q

To raise some booty for Alwyn School, includin' a brand spankin' new library, we be settin' sail on a Silver Coin Quest, a Colourin' Competition, and a Cake Sale this here half term.


We be hopin' ye'll join us in this grand adventure, partakin' in as much as yer fancy allows. The main goals be to revel in merriment, devour cake, and plunder some loot for the school.


Silver Coin Quest: Bring forth yer 'loose silvers' to the school, where ye'll find collection boxes in every classroom. The young scallywags always enjoy seein' how their class fares, and there be prizes for the class with the most plunder. The boxes'll be docked at the school from Monday the 29th of April until Wednesday the 22nd of May, so ye best start gatherin'!


Colourin' Competition: Alongside this, we'll be holdin' a pirate colourin' contest, with treasures for each class. We've affixed a choice of pictures for yer little buccaneers to imbue with colour. Simply drop yer entries in the red PTA chest in Alwyn's reception. Entry be free as the wind.


Cake Sale: Once our Coin Quest reaches its end, we be celebratin' with a biscuit and doughnut market. They'll be up for grabs after school on Friday May 24th in the schoolyard, where ye can also behold some of the prize-winning artworks. This be a coin, card, or token event.

Click the image to download copy of colouring sheet
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pirate coloring-1-10-4-1.png
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